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Wordscapes Review — What's the Word, Morning Bird?

Gameplay: Addictively Simple

The gameplay of Wordscapes is pretty simple: there are several letters for you to combine into words. Though the idea may sound difficult to play, the developers have managed to design the game in a very user-friendly way. You do not have to type in words: there is a wheel with letters, which are available, and all you have to do is swipe from one letter to another. In case you combine the letters into a correct word, it fits in the crossword pattern in the upper side of the screen, giving you hints for other words to guess.

Graphics: Good Enough for a Crossword

There is not much room for graphics in a crossword puzzle game. However, all the graphical aspects are designed well in Wordscapes. There are beautiful backgrounds behind the crosswords, the fonts are pleasing to the eye, and the animations are smooth. The color selection is also nice, as nothing distracts you from the game. The visual part of all the menus is good: they look stylish and match the game's general design. The developers had an option not to make their game beautiful, as many crosswords are just black and white, yet they have added backgrounds and different colors of text frames for you to enjoy the look.

Controls: Great Solution

We have already mentioned the controls, but we need to outline the great solution PeopleFun implemented in Wordscapes. The idea of swiping between letters makes the game more addictive, as you do not have to stop and type in words. Some crossword games have built-in keyboards, which are usually not comfortable to use at all. Such input mode does not only positively affect the gameplay, but also improves the visual design, as your keyboard does not interfere with the app's user interface.

Verdict: Cross a Word for Me

The game manages to be entertaining and educative, especially for those who are learning English. For others, it would still be an entertaining way to expand their vocabulary. The experience is pretty unique so that the puzzle game fans would love Wordscapes.

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