Miasma Chronicles

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Miasma Chronicles


What sets Miasma Chronicles apart from its predecessors is its magnitude and density. This title essentially serves as a response to critics' complaints about earlier games being too thin. Accordingly, it's no surprise that the entire playthrough time is roughly doubled, clocking in at around 30 hours. This larger context means there's more room for variegated strategies and new elements, yet it also exposes the weaker aspects of the formula more starkly. 

The game is placed in a post-apocalyptic backdrop, with the central premise being relatively more elaborate than before. The narrative revolves around a young man, Elvis, who is striving to survive in a mining town devastated by miasma, an iron plague that has brought cataclysmic calamities. With a cryptically mechanized glove gifted by his mother, Elvis embarks on a journey to follow her trail.

The game holds a gritty charm, with environments seething with thousands of spinning miasma fragments, contributing to an oppressive atmosphere. Its visual superiority leaps out with the detailed portrayal of decrepit human settlements and historical monuments. Exploring the skeletal remains of collapsed structures unearths a guilty pleasure of sorts.

Despite the immersive setting, the narrative struggles to find a fresh voice amid the tired post-apocalyptic clichés. The world-building slips when it comes to crafting believable societal structures, and the humor drops on deaf ears. Unfortunately, the game also fails to navigate racial dynamics sensitively, particularly with the characterizations of Elvis and his robot brother Diggs. 

The storyline is hampered by insipid mission designs, defining a clear pattern of straightforward favor-swapping missions. Nevertheless, it's hard to pay heed to why you're in the game as the thrill of the combat takes over swiftly. With a familiar mix of miasma monsters, mutants, and mere mortals, the game effectively revitalizes the grid, cover, and action point principles that are reminiscent of genre classics.

Standing as an intriguing amalgamation of post-apocalypse and strategy, Miasma Chronicles exhibits both the strengths and weaknesses of The Bearded Ladies. While marred by its clichés, questionable handling of racial representation, and uninspired missions, it still manages to engage players with its expansive world, visually stirring settings, and thrilling combat dynamics.

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